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Gavin Bullock



31 years strong in the industry – and still growing – Gavin Bullock has been operating his own business since 2005. Throughout his career, he has worked in nurseries, vegetable farms, owned his own potting mix and soils business until he eventually created his own consultancy and landscaping business. Join Gavin on a walk and talk at Nerang Community Gardens. This year he’s talking Healthy Root Systems!

Catherine Pickering



Professor Catherine Pickering is a botanist and Professor of Environmental Science in the School of Environment and Science at Griffith University on the Gold Coast. Over the last 10 years, the University has turned the Gold Coast campus into a living laboratory showcasing local native plants suitable for a wide range of different gardens from formal architectural roof gardens to cool food forests. With over 400 species of native plants in the endangered forest as well as gardens, including more than 20 endangered species, the campus is now a destination for locals interested in plants and has featured on Gardening Australia.